Kidney Week 2024: Early Programs
ASN Kidney Week 2024 – Critical Care Nephrology 2024 Update
Each Early Program addresses a specific topic in nephrology and requires separate registration from the Annual Meeting.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Practical Updates in Kidney Stone Prevention and Management
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Practical Updates in Kidney Stone Prevention and Management
October 23, 2024 | 07:00 AM PDT – 06:00 PM PDT
Location: Room 6B, Convention Center
Session Description
Nephrolithiasis is highly prevalent in the United States, affecting 1 in 11 individuals. Kidney stone rates in the US population are increasing in adults and children, as well as across demographic groups, with NHANES data reflecting a 70% increase in disease prevalence over the last 20 years. As our understanding of the pathogenesis and optimal management of kidney stone disease evolves, nephrology professionals must maintain expertise in the evaluation and treatment of a variety of stone formers. This program presents recent clinical advances and provides opportunities to practice clinical diagnosis and decision-making for both common and rare kidney stone conditions.
Session Objectives
Upon completion of this program, the participant will be able to: 1) identify risk factors for kidney stone formation across the life span; 2) explain the critical role of a multidisciplinary team in kidney stone prevention and management; 3) distinguish therapeutic options for kidney stone prevention by risk factors for disease recurrence; 4) interpret data from 24-hour urine studies to construct a comprehensive management plan for kidney stone formers with various stone types; and 5) identify the systemic complications associated with nephrolithiasis and strategies to mitigate these conditions.
- Check In and Continental Breakfast
07:00Â AM PDTÂ –Â 08:00Â AM PDT
- Introduction and Overview
08:00Â AM PDTÂ –Â 08:05Â AM PDT
- How to (Not) Make a Kidney Stone: Principles of Crystallization, Supersaturation, and Interpretation of 24-Hour Urine
08:05Â AM PDTÂ –Â 08:45Â AM PDT
- Approach to Hypercalciuria and Bone Health in Calcium Stone Formers: Missed Opportunities
08:45Â AM PDTÂ –Â 09:25Â AM PDT
- Hypocitraturia and Calcium Phosphate Stone Formers: More Citrate?
09:25Â AM PDTÂ –Â 10:00Â AM PDT
- Break
10:00Â AM PDTÂ –Â 10:30Â AM PDT
- Cases with the Experts: Part 1
10:30Â AM PDTÂ –Â 12:00Â PM PDT
- Lunch (on your own)
12:00Â PM PDTÂ –Â 01:00Â PM PDT
- Novel Insights into Uric Acid Stone Pathogenesis and Treatment
01:00Â PM PDTÂ –Â 01:40Â PM PDT
- Evaluation and Management of Hyperoxaluria
01:40Â PM PDTÂ –Â 02:20Â PM PDT
- Genetic Disorders in the Kidney Stone Clinic: Diagnosis and Management
02:20Â PM PDTÂ –Â 03:00Â PM PDT
- Break
03:00Â PM PDTÂ –Â 03:30Â PM PDT
- Stone Urology Pearls for the Nephrologist: A Look inside the Kidneys
03:30Â PM PDTÂ –Â 04:10Â PM PDT
- Optimization of Dietary and Behavioral Strategies for Kidney Stone Prevention
04:10Â PM PDTÂ –Â 04:45Â PM PDT
- Cases with the Experts: Part 2
04:45Â PM PDTÂ –Â 06:00Â PM PDT